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الأحد، 19 أبريل 2015

تحت تصنيف:

Traffic Monsoon

Traffic Exchange Ads in Traffic Monsoon

3. 100% Referral Commissions
You can earn 100% commission from your referral click. Like we tell you before, you can earn upto $0.1 as free member daily in Traffic Monsoon. So, if your referral also click as you, then he will also earn $0.1 and you will also get $0.1. Means, if you have one referral and if you can click all ads, and your referral click all ads, then you can earn upto $0.2 per day. Like this if you can make 10 referrals, then from your own click and from your referral's click, you can earn upto $1.1 daily.
2. Although Traffic Monsoon generating profit, still Adhitprofits is generating loss, due to which profit made by Traffic Monsoon is using to pay to the members of Adhitprofits. About it, we can see in two different way. If we take it in positive way, then we can think that now owner of Traffic Monsoon realize his mistake from past because now even he is paying to the members of the company which is already in debt. He didn’t close the company when it is in debt and instead of that, paying to his members by generating new innovative site "TrafficMonssoon". But, if we take it in negative way, then we can say he is paying right now in order to lure much more people into his program and run away with big money. Anything can happen. So, it is better to work only as free user or invest only that much which we can afford to lose.
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